On the 19th of May at the Bottega del Mondo – Senza Confini Brez Meja of Trieste, our volunteer doctor Michele Carraro participated at the event “Migrazioni: nessuna emergenza. Facciamo chiarezza, non allarmismo”, together with ICS (Consorzio Italiano Solidarietà), Mediterranea Saving Humans and Linea d’Ombra. 

Michele talked about the history of our Association and the evolution of our activities before and after the pandemic, our on-going presence on the territory of Trieste thanks to the project “HELP – L’ambulatorio per tutti” (which guarantees free medical assistance for the homeless and the migrants) and our new projects like Donky – The mobile clinic of the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine. 

It has been an important occasion to promote the daily activities of the Associations, as well as answering questions from the public by giving different points of view and possibilities to reflect on the themes of migration and helping the people who arrive in Trieste and in Italy.

We thank Senza Confini Brez Meja for inviting us and for having given us the possibility to chat with the other realities present at the event, with whom we have in common goals and the willingness to create a network. These are precious occasions – like the preview of the festival SALUTE! – to confront one another and to create a network.