The new event of SALUTE! Il Festival del Volontariato e della Medicina Umanitaria is taking place on Friday 20 October 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Sala Costantinides inside the Civico Museo Sartorio in Trieste. The main topic is volunteer guardianship and the integration process of minors who arrive in Italy from foreign countries without being accompanied by an adult relative.

After the greeting of doctor Stefano Bardari, president of the Volunteer organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine, of professor Paolo Pittaro, guarantor of people rights in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, and of doctor Mr. Lucio Prodam, Honorary Judge appointed to the appointment of volunteer guardians at the juvenile court of Trieste, the following speeches will take place:

Maria Eleonora Benini, Programme manager in UNICEF, will talk about widespread reception and volunteer guardianship; Francesco Zanuttin, representative of the Volunteer organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine; Alessandro Infanti, general manager of Ad Formandum; Manuel Grosso and Ambra Marega, managers of the artistic workshops of Ad Formandum; Matteo Felci, volunteer guardian; Maura Abrami, volunteer guardian.

Admission to this event is free, until there are places available.

“Prendersi cura” – Incontro di sensibilizzazione sulla tutela volontaria di minori stranieri non accompagnati is realized thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Trieste.

You can find the event’s programme and further details at the following website: