On Thursday the 24th of August, in Trieste, ICS (Italian Consortium of Solidarity) presented data on the arrivals of migrants in the Julian territory from January to July 2023.

The data update continues the story already published last June in the reportage “Vite abbandonate: rapporto sulla situazione e i bisogni dei migranti”. A document that summarizes the activities of first reception carried by the Rete solidale (n/a: solidarity network) of Trieste formed by the volunteer associations on the territory, among them – beside the volunteer Organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine – the volunteer Organization Comunità di San Martino al Campo, Diaconia Valdese, ICS, International Committee Italia and the volunteer Organization Linea d’Ombra.

To the increasing number of arrivals other challenges are added, such as the diminishing number of reception places in various structures and the blocking of transfers. The living conditions of those who are forced to live on the streets are beyond critical and the intervention of everyone is necessary to address the humanitarian emergency that is seen daily by the citizens of Trieste. 

You can read the whole document here. 

We share the deep words of Pier Aldo Rovatti, taken from his article published in the newspaper Il Piccolo on the 25th of August. It offers a consideration on the deeper meaning of the words “The others” and “The other”.

We would like to report a significant passage that concludes his reflection:

“We should ensure that “the other”, intended as another person, does not transform itself immediately in “the others” from which to stand out and therefore to fight as “enemies”. I am not saying that neither friends nor enemies exist, on the contrary I am trying to say that friendship has to do with otherness, as each of us compared to oneself, and that the idea of enemy would become less vague and ideologic if we would be able to question its unilateral abstract nature.”

We invite you to think about a different perspective and to reflect on the values of peace and equality placed in a context where each one of us can contribute to make these values concrete, through small gestures as well.

This can really open the way towards integration and the respect of human rights.

The article is available here.