Our News
Councilor Massimo Tognolli meets Stefano Bardari in order to discover more about Donk HM’s activities
The 18th of July was a busy day for the volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine: while our Linda was engaged in the territorial...
“La mia Africa” (My Africa), the second event of the Festival SALUTE! is going to be held on the 20th of June, 6 pm at KNULP in Trieste
The meeting on the 20th of June is going to be a picture story of the experience lived by the Doctor Carraro in Madagascar. At the end of the...
Photo exhibit “Cambiare Rotta”: the third event of the festival SALUTE! at La Feltrinelli of Trieste
Starting Thursday the 20th of July, the photographic exhibit “Cambiare Rotta” will be hosted in the spaces of the bookshop La Feltrinelli in Trieste...
Donk HM’s volunteers went to visit Trieste’s bishop, S. E. MONS. Enrico Trevisi
Our president Stefano Bardari on Friday the 7th of July, together with a delegation of our volunteers, was received by Mons. Trevisi, bishop of...
We donated medicines to No Name Kitchen, an independent organization active in Sid, Serbia
Sid is a small town of 20 thousand inhabitants on the border between Serbia and Croatia and it’s a passage area for migrants that cross the border...
MAS Santé Publique/Public Health: a new and important achievement for Stefano Bardari
Our president Stefano Bardari has concluded with success the MAS Santé Publique/Public Health (Master Universitario di Studi Avanzati di Sanità...
We have presented the report “Vite abbandonate: rapporto sulla situazione e i bisogni dei migranti” (Abandoned lives: report on the situation and the needs of migrants”) at the Circolo della Stampa of Trieste
“Vite abbandonate: rapporto sulla situazione e i bisogni dei migranti” was introduced on Thursday the 15th of June at the Circolo della Stampa of...
Donk News: the fifth issue of the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine magazine is out
Donk News is the the magazine in which you can read about the commitment of the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine through...
The Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine joins the “Rete di Prossimità” (Network of proximity) promoted by the Fondazione Ebbene
The Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine has multiple goals, and one of the most important ones is to build a network of...
Our event for the preview of the festival “SALUTE! Festival del Volontariato e della Medicina Umanitaria” has been welcomed with enthusiasm
On Saturday the 20th of May at Palazzo Gopcevich, we presented “SALUTE! Festival del Volontariato e della Medicina Umanitaria diffuso nel tempo e...
The Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine is also present to the event “Migrazioni: nessuna emergenza. Facciamo chiarezza, non allarmismo”
On the 19th of May at the Bottega del Mondo - Senza Confini Brez Meja of Trieste, our volunteer doctor Michele Carraro participated at the event...
Donate your 5×1000 to the Volunteering organization Donk HM in order to help give free health care services for the most vulnerable
Donk Humanitarian Medicine’s commitment is ongoing. In fact, every day our volunteer doctors and nurses offer free health care in the clinics and...