Volunteering is an enriching activity because it enables you to help others and hear stories that are important to share in order to sensibilize people on crucial themes such as peace, equality and the respect of human rights. 

Among these there is Yaya’s story.

Yaya is short for Kidiosi Yaday Kidiapongo. He was born in Congo and he arrived in Italy in the nineties thanks to a request for family reunification. Today, as a ResQ volunteer, he talks about his experience in schools.

When we met him in Trieste he told us about what he’s been through and what struck us the most from his story is that he decided to become a volunteer because he feels privileged compared to his peers. 

The human values in which he believes have strong roots thanks to teachings received as a child, strengthened by rugby, a sport which Yaya loves and coaches. 

Among these values two stand out in particular, mutual support and the ability to go on despite the difficulties even when the oval ball bounces irregularly: these are metaphors which remind us what could happen in life and for him sport is a way to inspire and to encourage young people.

Last July he helped us for a brief period of time with our activities of free medical assistance in favor of the fragile and the destitute because he wanted to get to know other contexts besides those in which he already volunteers. 

Yaya has shown a lot of enthusiasm for his experience with the volunteer association Donk Humanitarian Medicine because he was able to see what are the needs of people with medical problems not serious enough to go to the ER and what is the concrete impact of the humanitarian medicine activities in the lives of these people.

The time spent with the volunteer organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine helped him bring into focus what are his goals and we are really proud to have had him as one of our volunteers, but most of all to be able to share his story!

Thank you Yaya!