Our News
For Explaining the Sails with Donky and Street Medicine: thank you!
Sunday 20 October saw the conclusion of the crowdfunding Explain the sails with Donky and street medicine, published on the Rete del Dono website,...
Christmas alongside the most fragile
Become a Donk HM volunteer and help us with solidarity Christmas packages The collaboration between Donk HM odv and the Ubik bookshop in Trieste is...
Stefano Bardari interviewed on Buongiorno Regione FVG on the occasion of the National Day in Memory of Immigration Victims
This morning, on the occasion of the National Day in Memory of Immigration Victims, our president, Stefano Bardari, was the guest of Buongiorno...
Donate your 5×1000 to the Volunteering organization Donk HM in order to help give free health care services for the most vulnerable
On Wednesday 25 September from 18.30 we’ll wait to see you in Trieste at the Bar Stazione Rogers Outdoor for an aperitif together with the...
Donk HM odv On Tour… Arrives in Pordenone!
The Donk HM odv Tour continues and arrives in Pordenone. On Sunday 22 September 2024 the volunteers of Donk HM odv will be present in Via Mazzini in...
Gagnez avec DonK HM odv : participez au tirage au sort d’un bon d’achat de 250€ à dépenser à la librairie Ubik de Trieste
« Gagnez avec DonK HM odv » est le nom du concours que DonK HM odv a décidé de lancer pour mieux faire connaître l'association et remercier tous...
EMERGENCY’s social and health desk opened in Trieste, in collaboration with our association
Migrants arriving in Trieste after long and complicated journeys need not only health care, but also administrative assistance and precise...
Famiglia Cristiana: the new issue of the magazine also talks about Donk HM odv
In the latest edition of the national magazine Famiglia Cristiana there is also a space dedicated to Donk HM odv by journalist Fabio Dalmasso. The...
Francesco Zanuttin interviewed by Gianluca Paladin at Trieste in Diretta on Telequattro
Donk Humanitarian Medicine’s commitment is ongoing. In fact, every day our volunteer doctors and nurses offer free health care in the clinics and...
Donk News: seventh issue of Donk HM odv magazine published
The new issue of Donk News reports on the activities, projects, people, events organized by our association and the events in which the volunteers...
MIGRATIONS: (DIS)HUMAN TRAVELS OF SEA AND LAND: Francesco Zanuttin guest at the Onde Mediterranee festival
We are happy to announce that Francesco Zanuttin is among the guests of Lettere Mediterranee in the talk “MIGRATIONS: (DIS)HUMAN TRAVELS OF SEA AND...
Papa Francesco visitng Trieste on the occasion of the 50th edition of the Social Weeks of Catholics in Italy, Donk HM odv volunteers also present
Yesterday, Sunday 7 July, Trieste hosted the Holy Father on a visit on the 50th edition of the Social Weeks of Catholics in Italy, the main theme of...