Saturday, April 15 the 8th Fair of Volunteering was celebrated in Duino! It was an opportunity to talk about our experience to the students of the UWC and of the high schools in the Julian-Isonzo area. The theme of this edition was “Actions that cure”. Other important Associations operating in the area participated in this event as well, including Mondo 2000, Time4Africa, Solidarietà Trieste and Associazione Comunità e Famiglia.

Our volunteer doctors Fabio Chiodo Grandi and Gianluca Festini represented the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine.

They told our story and explained specifically:

  • what the project “HELP – The clinic for everyone” is about;
  • the health situations they face day after day in our clinics;
  • why volunteering is important to give concrete help not only to individual people but also to the whole territory.

On stage they alternated their intervention with the volunteers of the Community of Sant’Egidio who also brought their contribution. 

The Associations: Oltre Quella Sedia, Progetto Martina of Lions Clubs of Trieste and Duino Aurisina, Centro Educativo Occupazionale (CEO) of Malchina, Community of Sant’Egidio and WWF Trieste intervened as well. 

The audience was very interested and it was an opportunity to share with young people the values of solidarity, but to also further our network with the Associations that work on the territory with which we share values and objectives.