Donk Network is the e-Learning platform created by DonK Humanitarian Medicine odv thanks to the contribution of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (with the contribution of Regione F.V.G., art. 8, paragraphs 31 to 33bis, of L.R. 24/2019)
This distance learning space aims to make available to those involved in voluntary work, humanitarian medicine, street medicine and reception, free access courses in response to the need to deal with situations that may require more in-depth knowledge in different fields.
The free courses are accessible in asynchronous mode within the Donk Network e-Learning platform upon registration to the portal.
The modules cover the topics of cultural mediation, support for people with post-traumatic disorders, the correct use of teleconsultation and cross-border care. The speakers are experienced professionals in the field of the topics covered.
Specifically, they are already online:
- Conflict mediation in health care – Cultural mediation. Edited by: Matteo Bonin.
- Training on the correct use of Teleconsultation to guarantee assistance 7/7 – 24/24. Edited by: Mirko Montecchian.
- Training on Post-traumatic Disorders, their identification and good practices for correct patient support. Edited by: Luca Burigana.
- Training on cross-border care. Edited by: Francesco Zanuttin.
For further information and registration:
For information: