Donk Humanitarian Medicine odv
DonK Humanitarian Medicine is an independent and non-partisan social-health voluntary association, which offers free health care to all people, both foreigners and Italians, who are not guaranteed access to medical care. Although the Italian National Health Service offers free health care for the indigent and asylum seekers in urgent conditions, there are still time gaps in which these people do not have access to basic medical care. DonK HM is also present with initiatives to promote a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
Our Numbers
Visits since2012
Active Volunteers
Manned clinics in the provinces of Trieste and Gorizia
Telephone Support
Projects in progress
Project created to support the clinic in the village of Arameras, in Albania, with which money, toys, clothes and medicines were collected and sent to their destination from Bari with the help of the Italian military.
“Sancio Pancia” Project
In Naples, clinic and listening point to be able to offer social and health assistance to those who have difficulty in using public facilities or who cannot afford private visits.
“Ronzinante” Project
In Naples, setting up of an itinerant camper-clinic to visit immigrants and Rom.
For Explaining the Sails with Donky and Street Medicine: thank you!
Sunday 20 October saw the conclusion of the crowdfunding Explain the sails with Donky and street medicine, published on the Rete del Dono website, to support the Right to health of the most fragile and Street Medicine with Donky, the mobile clinic purchased and set up to allow our volunteer doctors and nurses to meet the medical needs of those who have difficulty accessing the National Health Service and help as many people as possible.
Christmas alongside the most fragile
Become a Donk HM volunteer and help us with solidarity Christmas packages
The collaboration between Donk HM odv and the Ubik bookshop in Trieste is renewed in view of Christmas. Once again this year we will be present to wrap Christmas gifts at the bookshop in Piazza della Borsa, 15 in Trieste.
Stefano Bardari interviewed on Buongiorno Regione FVG on the occasion of the National Day in Memory of Immigration Victims
This morning, on the occasion of the National Day in Memory of Immigration Victims, our president, Stefano Bardari, was the guest of Buongiorno Regione FVG. During the interview, he discussed several crucial topics for the association, such as the value of medical volunteering and its positive impact on both the people assisted and the community.
Donk Network
Project Donky
About us

“DonK’s role has proved to be fundamental in supporting us to ensure initial health care for asylum seekers upon their arrival in Trieste from the Balkan route. The professionalism of the volunteer doctors, as well as their human sensitivity and the predisposition to dialogue represent a decisive aspect for the initiation of a path of welcome and protection.”

“The presence of DonK volunteers once a week, at the Day Center in via Udine in Trieste, in the last 10 years has made it possible to monitor the health conditions of hundreds of homeless people, Italian and foreign, passing through or permanent on the territory of the province of Trieste. The collaboration of doctors has proved invaluable in diagnosing and possibly reporting pathologies often resulting from street life to specialist services. Motivation, competence, humanity and flexibility characterize their service intended for those who offer suffer in body and soul because, even if ill, they are in a condition of total invisibility.”

“The fruitful collaboration relationship between the Caritas Trieste Foundation and the DonK association has allowed the establishment of medical clinic located at the “Teresiano” shelter in via dell’Istria for the benefit of all people welcomed at the Foundation’s facilities. Thanks to DonK’s support, we have been able to pay particular attention to the most vulnerable situations and to people who have just entered our facilities.”
How to help us
The support of individuals, companies, foundations, allows DonK HM to treat those in need every day does not have access to assistance from the Italian National Health System. So, we can carry out a preventive action and lightening the emergency services and bringing, with sustainable projects over time, free health care to countries where access to care is really limited.