The Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine has multiple goals, and one of the most important ones is to build a network of collaborations with other realities that operate on the Italian territory. The organization wishes to join forces to obtain a common goal: guarantee the right to health and the well-being of the people most fragile and the needy.

The adhesion to the project of the Fondazione Ebbene is an ulterior step towards this direction. 

The “Rete di Prossimità” is a way designed by the foundation to coordinate and unite the work of multiple realities in Italy that have similar experiences, valours and goals and that have a positive impact on the territory and on people.

The organizations that adhere to the project carry out or support the following activities:

  • welcome and accompany people and families in fragile conditions; initiatives of civic participation for the inclusive growth of one’s community through volunteering and in terms of time, knowledge and skills; projects of local development and economy of sharing, with particular interest in those promoted by young people; 
  • promotion of active, inclusive and hardworking communities.

We are proud to be a part of this project that unites the work of the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine with that of all the other adhering organizations and of the Fondazione Ebbene.

It’s a significant step towards deepening common viewpoints, creating opportunities for discussion and working together to build shared projects. 

By clicking on this link you will know more about the projects of the Fondazione Ebbene and the organizations that are a part of the “Rete di Prossimità”: