Last week Father Vatta was interviewed by Il Piccolo to talk about the exasperating situation experienced by the people who live inside the Silos (in Trieste). 

We thank the founder of the community San Martino al Campo for mentioning the numerous volunteer organizations active in the city. These associations synergistically operate in favor of the fragile and the destitute, and Father Vatta emphasized that there isn’t indifference towards what is happening in the Silos. 

Among the people helping there are also the volunteers of the Volunteer organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine.

In particular our association offers free medical care, in order to guarantee the Right to Health, in 11 clinics open weekly and in San Valeriano (Gradisca d’Isonzo) thanks to Donky – the Mobile clinic. Moreover, we have an active telephone availability service, free of charge, in cases in which there are emergencies in the reception facilities.

The respect of Human Rights and of the Right to Health is the core value in which we believe and on which our work is based.