Donk News is the the magazine in which you can read about the commitment of the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine through interviews and the stories and experiences of the volunteers, but you can also find about the events promoted by the realities that are active on the territory of Trieste.

In the fifth issue:

  • Stefano Bardari, the president of the association, presents the results, the goals and the activities of the association on a local and international level; 
  • the “African Pace Project” and the “Premio Persona e Comunità” (a prize won by the Volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine thanks to the project “HELP – L’ambulatorio per tutti”);
  • an article is dedicated to the concert “Solidarietà in Musica” (Solidarity in Music) at the Politeama Rossetti organized thanks to a beneficial chain of cooperation between artists, people and associations, in order to support the populations of the earthquaked territories of Syria and Turkey;
  • the association’s participation at the “Fiera del Volontariato” (Volunteer Fair) organized by the United World College in Duino;
  • the first edition of “SALUTE! Festival del Volontariato e della Medicina Umanitaria” launched on the 20th of May.

You can download the magazine by clicking on the following link