We are happy to announce that Francesco Zanuttin is among the guests of Lettere Mediterranee in the talk “MIGRATIONS: (DIS)HUMAN TRAVELS OF SEA AND EARTH” scheduled for Saturday 20 July at 8.45 pm in Corte Marco d’Azzano in Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO).
Luca Misculin, journalist for “Il Post” will dialogue with Alessandro Pagotto, Mayor of Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO) and Francesco Zanuttin, Project Coordinator Italy Donk HM odv, on the theme of migration with a special focus on the specificities of the territory. Moderator of the meeting was Anna Dazzan.
Also present will be a number of volunteers and Donky, the mobile outpatient clinic that for the past two years has enabled the volunteer doctors and nurses of Donk HM odv to meet the numerous requests for health assistance from those who, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, for various reasons cannot access the National Health Service.
The event is free admission (in the event of bad weather the meeting will be held in the Sala Bergamas).
All information is available at this link: https://www.euritmica.it/eventi/lettere-mediterranee-luca-misculin/