The book “Caro Massimo ti scrivo perché…” (Dear Massimo I am writing to you because…) was presented on Monday 3 June at the IoCiSto bookshop in Naples. Present at the event, in addition to the author Rosaria Troisi, sister of the actor whose 30th anniversary of his death falls in these days, were footballer Ciro Ferrara, National Councillor of the Order of Journalists Carlo Verna, Dr. Libera D’Angelo and writer Gloria Vocaturo. 

The meeting was moderated by Guido Pocobelli Ragosta, journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of TGR RAI Campania.

We share the video from Video Informazioni News which, in addition to narrating the presentation, also includes an interview with Rosaria Troisi and Ciro Ferrara:

We would like to thank the author again because the proceeds from the book will go to support the activities of our association and those of Doctors Without Borders.