Donk Network is the platform created by Donk Humanitarian Medicine odv that aims to offer free distance learning courses dedicated to all those who are involved, at different levels, in the social and health care of the most fragile.

In particular, the free courses are designed for volunteer doctors and nurses who provide free assistance in reception centers and communities for MSNAs, but they can also be followed by the operators working in these places and, in general, by the

Para sanitary staff and students in health care settings.

The 4 training modules included in the ‘Health at Km 0’ project realized thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia are available online:

  • Mediation of conflicts in healthcare (by Matteo Bonin)
  • Use of teleconsultation (by Mirko Montecchiani)
  • Post-traumatic disorders (edited by Luca Burigana)
  • Cross-border care (by Francesco Zanuttin)

To follow the courses it is necessary to be registered with Donk Network: