This morning at 11 a.m. at the Bishop’s Seminary in Trieste, the Report 2022-2023 by Donk Humanitarian Medicine odv entitled ‘We must roll up our sleeves and help those in need’ and the health monitoring activity in the Silos and station areas in Trieste carried out by our association in collaboration with Doctors Without Borders were presented. 

Stefano Bardari, president of Donk HM odv, introduced the meeting by briefly explaining what our association does and the importance of a tool such as the Report to progress in our activities and understand in a concrete way the impact they have. 

This was followed by the greeting of Father La Manna, president of Caritas Trieste, who emphasized the importance of medical volunteering for those in need and the network created between the various organizations, thanks to which the benefits are extended to an increasing number of people in need. 

The focus in the first part of the press conference was the Report 2022-2023 of Donk HM odv, when Stefano Bardari presented the data. He elaborated on the numbers of free medical examinations carried out from 2012 to date and, in particular, in the last year and a half, and then continued with other important information, such as: the number of volunteers involved, telephone counselling activities, psychological support, the Donky mobile clinic, the e-learning platform, international cooperation projects and future developments.  

Francesco Zanuttin, Head of Projects Italy for Donk HM odv, spoke specifically about the health monitoring that has been launched, capturing a need that has emerged in the area and the importance that this activity has both for people in health emergencies and for the community itself. 

The next part of the meeting was dedicated to the second topic: the health monitoring carried out with the support of Doctors Without Borders, for which Roberto Buttignol and Cecilia Momi, Project Coordinator and Head of Humanitarian Affairs of the MSF People on the Move project, respectively, were present. 

Roberto Buttignol explained the objectives of the collaboration with Donk HM odv, including Outreach, i.e. identification of medical needs, health promotion awareness, basic data collection and training activities. Cecilia Momi went into detail about the needs and protections of ‘people on the move’.    

We thank Father La Manna, Roberto Buttignol and Cecilia Momi for their presence, and Médecins Sans Frontières for their support and valuable collaboration.