The doors of our association are open to all those who want to help us help others.

Among the people who collaborate with DONK HM there are young students engaged in social health studies, retired professionals, but also other volunteers who help us with secretarial and organization activities, since they don’t have experience in the medical field.

Gabe is part of the first category: he’s a young med student with Sicilian origins, born and raised in Detroit, who has carried out various volunteer activities for our association and has taught Italian in some active communities in Trieste for the whole of last spring.

Thanks to a program sponsored by his college, he moved to Italy with the help of a scholarship and this gave him the opportunity to enter in contact with the volunteer organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine. 

For him Trieste was a surprise because he found a multiethnic reality where reception and support towards fragile and destitute people is an urgent need.

He has been a valid help for our volunteer doctors and nurses, who have given him the chance to insert himself in the triestin context and develop his skills by observing what he has learned during his studies directly on the field. 

Thank you Gabe!