Starting Thursday the 20th of July, the photographic exhibit “Cambiare Rotta” will be hosted in the spaces of the bookshop La Feltrinelli in Trieste (Via Mazzini, 39), curated by Valentina Masotto and Gianni Zudetic, photographs taken by Gianni Zudetic.

“SALUTE! Il Festival del Volontariato e della Medicina Umanitaria” is a series of events taking place over time, widespread and with the program’s events changing styles: the third event is the photo exhibit “Cambiare Rotta”.

The exhibit collects photographs taken by Gianni Zudetic, on the occasion of his 2021 trip, together with Valentina Masotto, in Bosnia Herzegovina at the Elikopter Camp in Velika Kladusa. The reason that has brought both of them to take this trip is the desire to “see with their own eyes” the stories told by the people who they encounter every day in Trieste.

From this goal a touching photo reportage is born, that allows us to get in touch with the stories impressed on the exhibition panels. 

At first glance the encampment may seem like a collection of tents or a mere place of transit for those who decide to risk their lives in the famous “game over”, the attempt to reach Europe, but if you stop to observe the pictures more thoroughly you can find new pieces of life.

The photographs were taken with the aim to change the way of narrating the Balkan route in order to see with a different perspective the people we find in the city everyday. For Valentina Masotto and Gianni Zudetic these people are men, women and children like all of us, who have in common one dream with every other human being: to be recognized in their dignity as free individuals. 

The goal of “Cambiare Rotta” is to offer a different point of view to the audience, one that wants to let shine through the human side to these people’s experience. 

We wholeheartedly thank La Feltrinelli and its manager Silva Penco, who have decided to host our initiative inside the bookstore.