Our president Stefano Bardari has concluded with success the MAS Santé Publique/Public Health (Master Universitario di Studi Avanzati di Sanità Pubblica con orientamento internazionale) organized by the University of Geneva. His thesis was titled “Enquête d’opinion relative à la télémédecine dans le domaine de la cardiologie: African e-Health Project”. 

On the 15th of June, Dr Bardari went to Geneva for the graduation ceremony. The Master was a challenging task on a personal level, but an occasion as well to create a network with other international professionists. 

Creating new opportunities for discussion on the topic of health and expanding the network of cooperation beyond national confines is, in fact, one of the goals that Donk Humanitarian Medicine pursues. It’s in these occasions that we can develop relationships with other realities and draw points of reflection to improve our reality. 

Congratulations Stefano from Donk’s volunteers and team!