On the 15th of June the new edition of “Il Giardino del Cinema”, at the Giardino Pubblico “Muzzio de Tommasini”, has begun. The open-air summer showcase was organized by the association House of Cinema of Trieste together with the participation of the Municipality of Trieste, the support of Fondazione CRTrieste and the collaboration of the social cooperative La Collina.
Programming continues throughout the whole summer and it is possible to consult it online: https://www.casadelcinematrieste.it/il-giardino-del-cinema/
This year the volunteering organization Donk Humanitarian Medicine participates as well, but kind of in a peculiar way. We have filmed a short video in which our volunteers had to answer on the spot the following question “What does Donk HM represent to you?” with just one word that summarizes the essence of our work in favor of the most fragile and needy.
The spot will be transmitted before the projections of the movies in the program. We thank wholeheartedly the association House of Cinema of Trieste for having given us this opportunity.
If you are curious to watch the video, it is available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zYspgySXwo