The report edited by Daniele Biella and Antonella Winter for Save the Children was released today on World Refugee Day, which tells of the difficulties that many of the underage migrants have to face on their journey to Europe.

Official data say that at the end of April 2021 there were 6,633 registered in the territory by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, which in that month 453 unaccompanied minors entered our country, of which only 149 following landings, and that 302 voluntarily moved away from the reception facilities that hosted them.

We were pleased with the testimony of Michele Carraro, volunteer doctor of DonK HM, to support the research and facilitate the work of those who tried to answer the questions that these data generated: how did those children who did not arrive in Italy arrive in Italy through do you land? What risks did they run? And where are those minors who have left the centers where they had found shelter?


Photo credits: taken from the cover of the report, Danilo Balducci for Save the Children